30 Sept 2021

Two Or More Of The Following Prayers May Be Used In Place Of Litany

Be mindful, O Lord, of your people present here before you, and of those who are absent through age, sickness or infirmity. Care for the infants, guide they young, support the aged, encourage the faint-hearted, gather the scattered, and bring back the wandering to your fold.
Travel with the voyagers, defend the widows, shield the orphans, deliver the captives, heal the sick. Succour all who are in tribulation, necessity or distress. Remember for good all those that love us and those that hate us, and those that desire us unworthy as we are to pray for them. 

And those whom we have forgotten, please O Lord remember. For you are the helper of the helpless, the saviour of the lost, the Refuge of the wanderer, and the healer of the sick. You who knows each person's need and hear prayers. Grant to each person according to your merciful loving kindness and your eternal love, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Almighty and everlasting God, we praise you for all that you have done for us as a nation. Deepen the root of our national life in your everlasting righteousness, let not your blessing be withdrawn from us. Make us equal to our high trusts, reverent in the use of freedom, just in the exercise of power, and generous in the protection of the week. 

Inspire the people who direct the local Government, the state and the country that they may guide us wisely and well; give insight and faithfulness to our Legislators and judges both at the State and Federal levels; and may our deepest trust ever be in you,  the Lord of nations and the king of kings; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

God, who rules over all kingdoms of the world, and does order them according to your good pleasure; we give you hearty thanks that you have set N...  

Our Traditional Ruler, N... Our Governor, and N... Our President in authority over your people. Let your wisdom be their guide and your arm strengthen them. Let truth and justice, holiness and righteousness, peace and charity, abound in their days, and the weifare of your people.

We pray you with your gracious favour to behold our universities, collages and schools, that knowledge may be increased among, us and all good learning flourish and abound, bless all who teach and all who learn and grant the in humility of heart they may ever look to you, who are the fountain of all wisdom.

God who has given all people work to do, help them to do it with all their might, grant the spirit of wisdom and justice to all leaders of industry. 

Bless the men and women who work in office and factories, strengthen those who labour at the docks and in the farms; take care of the miners and those whose work is dangerous and help us all to follow in the steps of him who worked as a carpenter, even Jeuse.

Bestow your blessing, we pray you,  O Lor, upon your Church and your ministers everywhere. May increasing multitudes hear your word, receive it and live by it. 

May it's power be seen more and more in the lives of those who believe. So work your great work Almighty God, in this our country and in this our generation, that the doubter may be convinced, the wavering established, the sinful converted and the gainsayer silenced; and grant that at the last, according in your blessed word of prophecy, the Lord may be King over all the earth, one Lord and his name One.
The prayer of truth. 


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